23rd November, Mumbai: Notion Press, India’s fastest growing publishing company, has published ‘Oh! Radheya’ -Vale of Solace, written by Padmakshan Mundachali – a senior journalist based in Mumbai.
This book sees the events of theMahabharata from the eyes of one of its pivotal characters, Karna, who is hailed as one of the greatest warriors of all time. The tragic herois the brother of the Pandavas and a dear friend to Duryodhana. He does not understand the purpose of the Kurukshetra war. His conversations are revelations of the true complexities of his life and the nature of existence.The narration talks about love, friendship, and war, which will you a fresh perspective on the Mahabharata and its characters.
The great warrioror king is expected to give his best on the battlefield, but by the time battle begins, the warrior has lost faith in wars.His conscience does not believe in what he is trained to do. Herefuses tobelieveLord Krishna who tellshim,“War is not the end, nor the beginning. Nothing here has a beginning or an end. Both are illusions of the mind. So do not worry about war.”Karna believes that Krishna could have prevented the war and saved many lives. Both the sides, the Pandavas and the Kauravas, could neither understand nor describe the real purpose of the war.
Karna is described as the tragic hero whowas doomed to live with a sense of insecurity because of his anonymous parentage. He suffers from an identity crisis which still resonates today for people who are torn between cultures. On one side, the prospect of killing his own brothers tears his heart apart, and on the other hand,his loyalty and commitment towards his friendship with Duryodhana reminds him of his responsibility. He fails to understand and suffers from an inability to distinguish between ‘dharma’ and ‘adharma'.
The content of the book is relevant to today’s world as the world continues to witness wars despite the horrors endured in the past. Participation in war continues to be glorified. Many, like Karna, fail to understand the sinister purpose of war and in essence, the purpose of life itself.
Published by Notion Press, the book is currently available on Amazon, Flipkart, and other e-commerce sites.
About the author:
Padmakshan Mundachali is a journalist who writes on international taxation, corporate crimes, black money, and a host of other subjects, in national and international publications. Mr.Mundachali has worked as a journalist with The Economic Times. Mr. Mundachali is also the recipient of the Certificate of Honour (Redink Awards) presented by The Press Club Mumbai in 2014. Mr.Mundachali was born and educated in Kerala.