Topics that Mr. Amit Ruparel, MD, Ruparel Realty could talk about:
- Redevelopment scenario in Mumbai
- Impact of GST in Real Estate
- What’s the better buy: Furnished, unfurnished or semi-furnished flats in Mumbai
- Modern Marketing tools that realtors should employ to promote / create awareness about their upcoming properties / projects - For B2B and trade publications
- The changing demands of the Indian homebuyer - keep the trends intelligent and not common - online centric
- Things every buyer should keep in mind when looking for affordable housing property. - online centric
- Buying vs. Renting: which is better?
Most people today prefer renting rather than buying, due to the prominent myth that buying is more expensive than renting. However, in the long run, renting becomes more expensive since its an on-going expense. Whereas buying a property is a one-time investment and can yield income in the long run. We analyse such pros and cons in the article to better explore the opportunities in real estate for customers. Bring in RERA, GST, finance support etc to make it lean towards buying. - B2C story - Real estate myths vs. facts
Myth 1: Affordable and luxury housing cannot go hand-in-hand
Myth 2: Immediate possession after booking is impossible - Why Mumbai suburbs make better residential areas? The greenery, fresh air, connectivity, among others are factors that make suburbs the new place to begin a fresher, healthier and smarter life.