Extra-ordinary General Meeting of Central Bank of India

Dignitaries sitting on the dice during the EGM from left to Right:- Shri B. S. Shekhawat & Shri B.K. Divakara, Executive Directors, Shri Rajeev Rishi, Chairman & Managing Director, Shri P. Ramana Murthy, Executive Director of the Bank are seen in the picture. 
Shareholders of Central Bank of India at an Extra-ordinary General Meeting held on 26th March, 2018 at Mumbai, have passed a special resolution  for giving authority to the Board of Directors and its committee namely-Capital Raising Committee, to create, offer, issue and allot upto 61,15,60,839 equity shares of the face value of Rs. 10/- each, to President of India (Government of India), on preferential basis, for cash at an issue price of Rs. 79.06  per Equity Share determined in accordance with SEBI ICDR Regulations, 2009 aggregating upto Rs. 4835.00 crore (Rupees Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Five Crore only).

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