Actor Manoj Bajpayee proves yet again that he is one of the finest performers in Bollywood. Last year, the two time national award winner had enthralled the audiences with his outstanding and unique performance in critically acclaimed films like Aligarh, Budhia Singh: Born to Run, Traffic and Saat Uchakkey. Be it commercial films or short-films like Taandav, Kriti and Ouch the actor has made a strong impact in audiences mind.From winning international awards to getting recognition at prominent film festival, to now receiving not one but two awards at the popular Bollywood award ceremony -62nd Filmfare Awards 2017, this talented actor is creating a record in itself. Awarded as Filmfare Critics Award for Best Actor (Male) for Aligarh and Best Actor (Male) in a Short Film for Taandav, it’s time for double celebration for the fine actor.2016 has been extremely rewarding and satisfying for me as an actor. The year has given me many reasons to celebrate. All my releases this year, Budhia Singh-born to run, Aligarh, Saath Uchakke, Traffic; as well as the shorts like Taandav, Kriti and Ouch have been wonderful experiences. Here is what I hope 2017 to be like. Looking forward to more opportunities to experiment and evolve as an actor as well as a person. Hope to see the audience support the great content in the cinema halls. I hope Budhia Singh runs again. I hope the critics will critique than criticize. I hope for more peace in the world and our country. I hope we are more tolerant towards each other, says Manoj Bajpyee.
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» 2016 has been extremely rewarding and satisfying for me as an actor says Manoj Bajpayee