The Bye Bye Man’ is Doug Jones most favourite non-human character he has played so far!
Doug Jones would spend hours to get his prosthetics done for ‘The Bye Bye Man’
Prosthetics is something which is not new to Hollywood actor Doug Jones, who has been known for often playing heavily made-up non-human characters in many sci-fi, fantasy and horror movies. Jones, who plays the title role in PVR Pictures Hollywood flick ‘The Bye Bye Man’ reveals that his character in the movie is totally different from what he has played till now and prosthetics were an invaluable assets for The Bye Bye Man.
The actor goes on to reveal that he had spent years hoping to work with legendary special effects and make-up artist Robert Kurtzman, who has designed the prosthetics for the movie. Trust us, the wait has been worth it. Jones inputs, “When I looked in the mirror, I didn’t see Doug Jones in there anywhere. I’ve never looked like this before”. The look that Kurtzman devised is handsome, terrifying and haunting all at the same time. “It would take at least 3 hours to apply the prosthetics. That’s not bad when they are completely transforming your head and hand”, added Jones.
Robert had elongated Doug’s fingers and treated the back of his hand with a silicon application. “It’s not a glove. It was like a part of me. It made me look more vein-y, more tendon-y and more gross. The hands speak so much non-verbal dialogues for this character. How good the make-up is was really the key”, the actor says.
Jones also shares that what separates The Bye Bye Man from his other performances across his long history with the genre is the fact that he could play The Bye Bye Man with a little smile, a slight smirk, this playfulness was really a mask for his pain. “If I’m going to play the bad guy in a movie. I really appreciate playing one that has a sympathetic origin or one that I can feel something for. Because if I can connect with him, I can play with him well”, reflects Jones.
The Bye Bye Man is releasing in India on January 20, 2017 in a theatre near you