In the internationally accepted emergency kit during disasters, transistor is listed second next to torch. When all other sources of communication fail, transistors do work. In the south most part of our country, when even God disowned its land, the Kerala Stations of All India Radio stood with the devastated unlucky lot with round the clock transmission consecutively for three days extending its invisible hands of solace. We have received more than twenty thousand calls on our helpline number sharing their agony. We did lend patient listening and promptly aired. Also, personally conveyed the same to the nearest rescue center/control room. Today, we are going to the normal transmission hours with a firm feel that we did our role. Hereafter we will be concentrating on rehabilitation/health issue. We will be with them with tips on the various aspects that help them to limp towards normalcy. It is difficult to name those who were with us and to measure the amount of gratitude that we have. At this point, we record our heartfelt gratitude to all who stood with us in accomplishing the holy mission.
Source :- Facebook account of AIR Thiruvananthapuram