OUR BRIGHT CHILDREN :- Amal R Nair S/o K.G.Rajeev, EA DDK Ahmedabad scores 93.4% in XIIth CBSE (Science Stream)


Amal R Nair S/o Shri K.G.Rajeev, EA DDK Ahmedabad scores 93.4% in XIIth CBSE (Science Stream).

The two keys that paved the way to achieve this was determination and perseverance. He was clear with his aim and so he was hellbent in attaining it.Whenever he studies,he does it with complete concentration. His hobby is playing Football. His ambition is to become a doctor as he wishes to serve the people and bring back the humanity which is disappearing from the society.

Prasarbharati Parivar wishes him all the best for his bright future.

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