Chinese Buddhist Cultural Heritage Photo Exhibition by Musician Federation of India (MFI)

The Jokhang Temple, Wall paintings of Nyingma Sect, Samyegompa (Buddhist monastery), Statue of Sleeping Buddha & more such 70 most fascinating photographs of Buddhist heritage by Chinese photographers in India for the first time..!!
·        On 16th March to 24th March 2018 at NCPA, Mumbai
Mumbai, 12th March 2018:
Buddhism is a world class religion of diversity and portrayal of a splendid human civilization. The philosophy of Buddhism has been accepted with open arms. It is a philosophy which always goes beyond the material aims of life to the eternal. China and India have a long history of Buddhist cultural history. Close interactions between India and China have always existed and both the countries have been engaged in bringing their people together through structured Cultural Exchange Programs like music, tea ceremonies, martial arts, medicine, calligraphy and painting. They also actively participate in charity and bring humanistic care to the mass. There is an emphasis on innovations, use of advanced technology and international cooperation. All of these have made far-reaching impact on Indo-China relations. To enhance these Indo-China relations and improve cultural exchange, Musician's Federation of India (MFI) is hosting for the first time, “Chinese Buddhist Cultural Heritage Photo Exhibition.” It provides an overall perspective of monuments and art heritage of Buddhism from the earliest time and also takes the spectators on a visual pilgrimage. This exhibition is co-hosted by China Federation of Literary and Art circles, the Buddhist Association of China and National Center for performing Arts in Mumbai from 16th to 24th March 2018 at NCPA, Mumbai.
Some of the fascinating works to watch out are The Jokhang Temple, Wall paintings of Nyingma Sect , Samyegompa (Buddhist monastery) , Statue of Sleeping Buddha, Dunhuang Grottoes , Yungan Grottoes, Datong city of Shanxi province, Venerable Milarepa, Staue of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva in the E’Mei Mountain and more
Buddhism in Chinese soil came in very ancient times. The scholarly consensus is that Buddhism first came to China in the first century CE during the Han dynasty, through missionaries from India. A number of popular accounts in historical Chinese literature have led to the popularity of certain legends regarding the introduction of Buddhism into China. In response to the consensus reached by the top leaders of China and India, it can further promote cultural exchanges between the two countries. The exhibition is going to show the treasures of Chinese Buddhist heritage so as to amalgamate the foundation for mutual benefits and win-win cooperation. With this relation, MFI has come up with the photography exhibition with the 70 most fascinating photos of Buddhist heritage in China, selected from almost 20,000 photos and the best 70 are the part of the exhibition.
Date: 16th to 24th March 2018
Time: 11am to 7pm
Venue: Piramal Art Gallery, NCPA, Nariman Point, Mumbai

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