As movie marketers continue to find unique and creative ways to promote their upcoming films, Bollywood actors Tiger Shroff and Disha Patani took to – a popular global video community – to create a fun video to promote their film Baaghi 2. In the video, the duo were seen grooving to a peppy Bollywood song ‘Mundiyan To Bach Ke’.
On the occasion, Tiger Shroff said, “Punjabi song ‘Mundiya To Bach Ke’ was the biggest hit of that time. I always wanted to re-create this as it connects easily with the masses and is a fun number to groove on. I thank for giving us the right platform to reach out to our fans with this sensational song before the movie release.”
Since the video was released around Holi, Tiger and his co-star Disha Patani used colors to add a touch of dramatics to ther cool moves. Disha said “I love this fresh take on promoting our movie’s song and I had so much fun creating it too. has given us a chance to let the fans catch a glimpse of what we’ve been upto, groove to the beat and look forward to whats coming next”.
In the short period of’s presence in India, it has emerged to be one of the most preferred platforms with more 25 million video uploads on a daily basis complete with a host of engaging features that even celebrities enjoy using.
Both Disha and Tiger shared their musical.lys on their Instagram handles urging their fans to show some love.
Video Link:
Tiger Shroff:
Disha Patani:
About is a global video community that celebrates creativity. The app empowers users to create and share original videos that express their humor and talent, to discover a world of entertaining content, and to connect with a global community based on their interests. Every day, millions of people use to express themselves through singing, dancing, comedy and more. In addition to hundreds of millions of user-generated videos, the platform has attracted major artists, launched the careers of many social media influencers, and featured original content from some of the largest entertainment companies.