The cast of Kaabil has taken the promotion drive to the capital city, Delhi. On Thursday, 19th Jan, they visited the headquarters of popular radio station, Fever 104FM. The lead actors, Hrithik and Yami interacted with some interesting and highly accomplished visually impaired persons like the Captain and the team of the T20 Visually Impaired Cricket Team helmed by (Captain) Ajay Kumar Reddy. Hrithik even indulged in a fun game of batting against him and the team (video clip attached, please download for it to play). Hrithik blind folded himself while playing and was amazed at the spirit of everyone present. Apart from this, Hrithik and Yami interacted with a visually impaired band who sang a rap song for them and took many selfies with everyone present. Some endearing images of the Kaabil Team in Delhi at Fever 104FM are attached with this email.
Rakesh Roshan's Kaabil, starring Hrithik Roshan and Yami Gautam that is directed by Sanjay Gupta releases on 25th Jan, 2017.