Fulfilling the dreams of a little girl:ALL INDIA RADIO MANJERI.

Fulfilling the dreams of a little girl...

Her dreams come true.
When Rinu,a speech-impaired 4th standard student of Government U.P.School,Chullakkad ,Manjeri in Kerala ,an avowed listener of Manjeri FM,expressed her desire to meet her favourite presenter,we fulfilled it on Monday in a different way.

Radio is her campanoin at home,from early childhood.She used to listen all programmes keenly.Her mother noticed that she has a special affection for the voice of the presenter P.K.Vinod,a higher secondary school teacher-turned casual presenter.On her amusement,she recently found that the little girl started to murmur 'fm,fm' in joy,listening to it's catchline in Vinod's voice,'Manjeri FM,Malabar's own dear,lovable voice'.She wants to meet the owner of her favourite voice over radio. Rinu's mother approached the school authorities.They sought the help of Advocate T.P Ramachandran,Chairman of KALA,a cultural organisation,in association of which,Manjeri FM has recently conducted a three- day literary camp. 

A function was arranged in the school on Monday,Feb 10th, in consultation with D.Pradeep Kumar,Head of Programmes.
P.K Vinod was invited to the gathering, comprising hundreds of students,patents and teachers along with Rinu and her mother.

It was an immemorable occasion.Rinu was not told about the surprise in the offing.When Vinod,the presenter,who was on the stage without being introduced,started with the familiar catchline 'Manjeri FM,Malabar's own dear,lovable voice',Renu exploded in mirth in disbelief.Her dreams eventually came true.
A few minutes of spontaneous amusement ..He and other guests spoke to her and gave present too.

Muneer Amayur, Transmission Executive,T.K Ramachandran and Lovely Rajendran,singer, interacted with the students. This novel function was organised under the aegis of K.Indira Headmistress , M.R.Jayachandran, President of school PTA and Swapa,teacher. Rajendran Pullur, artist, also attended.

This was widely covered as a human interest story by leading Malayalam dailies.

Contributed by :-Shri.D.Pradeep Kumar, Head of Programmes, allindiaradio.manjerifm@ gmail.com

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