Good Bye Message from Shri RG Dastidar ADG(E)EZ & ADG(P)(ER-I&II), Kolkata, retiring on 29.02.2020

My dear colleagues,

After completing a long journey through in this organisation, I am laying down my office on 29th February, 2020 on attaining the age of superannuation. At this juncture, if I am asked to express my experience in a few words, I will have no hesitation to say that I am very much satisfied in my journey. I joined this department on a chilly morning on 10th December, 1986 in the Directorate General of All India Radio, New Delhi. From there, I had the opportunity to work in the Research Department of AIR&DD for a substantial period of my service life. All the laboratories of Research department were too busy that time with good numbers of projects and I must confess that during my tenure there I had the opportunity to learn and implement the theories, I studied in my engineering classes, in practice. I am indebted to this department for giving me such opportunities. Next major chunk of my service period has been spent in implementation of plan projects through Zonal offices in the East and North-East zones. Finally, I got the opportunity to work in the AIR Directorate as ADG(Development), that enabled me to have a clear idea about the conditions of Engineering cadres in the entire network. I and my team in the EPM section tried our best to do our part for the betterment of the cadre, though we have not succeeded fully due to the various external factors, better known to most of us. One of the major exercises that could not see the day of the light is the Cadre Review of all the Engineering cadres. A detail proposal was finalized and submitted after lot of deliberations with the associations and Prasar Bharati. As ADG(Dev) I also shared the responsibilities of preparation of future plans, their estimations and coordination of current plan activities. As ADG(P)(ER), I had also the opportunity to have a close look at the programme and admin matters of the Eastern region during last one year. I am very thankful to all my programme colleagues for their support and cooperation in carrying out this new responsibility. 

On this occasion, I convey my sincere thanks to all my friends and colleagues for the love and cooperation I received during my entire service period. My sincere gratitude to my seniors for bestowing their affection and fullest support on me. However, during the execution of my official responsibilities, there might have some occasions when I could not fully satisfy the expectations of my fellow colleagues. My sincere apology to all such colleagues in case such actions, though unintentional, have hurt sentiments of any one. Presently, our organisation is passing through a transition phase. I wish a great future for the organization and better career prospect for all. Thank you all and Good bye. 

With best Regatds, 

(R Ghosh Dastidar) 
ADG(E)EZ & ADG(P)(ER-I&II), Kolkata 

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