In the past three years, the Government has endeavoured to remove corruption in every form and technology presents itself as one of the most potent tools. But, technological interventions work when the interventions are simple, transparent and include a public feedback mechanism. Utilising advancements in technology, the Government is following a multi-pronged strategy to tackle the problem in an effective manner.
The fight against corruption is a long and arduous one. Various online platforms have been introduced by the government, wherein the citizens can join forces with them by sharing their feedback and views. The decision to involve the honest citizens of our country in the fight increases the strength of the force against corruption to a great extent.
In the same vein, MyGov invites citizens to share their ideas on how technology can be used to uproot corruption and suggest innovations to fight the malice in an effective manner. Ideas and suggestions can be provided in the form of a comment below or by attaching a PDF document.
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