Sri. S. Parashivamoorthy News Reader cum Translator was retired on 28.02.2018 after rendering about 30 years of service in News Unit. S. Parashivamoorthy joined in this Organisation on 9th November 1987 at NSD, All India Radio, New Delhi. Then he worked at News Unit Dharwad and Bengaluru. Before joining this Organisation he worked as Press Reporter. He informed that he will be involved in Stage Drama, literary activities after his retirement.

Akashvani Recreation Club, Bengaluru organised farewell on 28.02.2018 at AIR Campus. During his entire service he served the Department with full dedication and honesty said A.H. Hanumanthu, DDG, (E), Bengaluru in his presidential address. He is a soft spoken, hard working and disciplined employee of the Organisation said H.S. Saraswathi, SD, AIR, Bengaluru. in her Chief Guest address. T. B. Nanjunda Swami, Dy. Director, News Unit said the commitment and dedication of Parashivamoorthy was an inspiration for us. Ajaykumar, CCW and R. M. Murthy, Asst. Director, News and Akashvani Recretation club Secretary H.N. Gopinath wished him for his future life.

P.M. Jagadish welcome the gathering. S.S. Cholin gave vote of thanks. All the staff members of All India Radio, Primary channel, CBS, VBS, CRD-Marketing Wing, CCW, ARU wing, Security personal attnded the function.
On 27.2.2018, S. Parashivamoorthy along with his family members ie wife Smt. Suma P. Murrthy and daughters Rishya P. Murthy and Shaivya P. Murthy hosted a lunch to the staff members of All India Radio.
Contribution: K. Ashok, PEX, CRD-Marketing, AIR & DD, Bengaluru Mob: 9449259218