Is there a cure for coronavirus, the new threat to human life?

It is truly worrying if something as common as cold or cough could ultimately lead to death. That's what a new strain of the coronavirus, called novel coronavirus, or nCoV, is doing to humans. The virus first surfaced in a Chinese city called Wuhan in December 31, 2019. Ever since then the virus has spread around China and outside China, as infected people travelled from one place to another and infecting other people.

Other strains of the virus are responsible for diseases like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV), besides the more common respiratory tract infections like cold and cough.

Coronavirus attacks which part of human body?
Coronavirus affects the respiratory system.

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
Common cold, running nose, difficulty to breath, fever.

Any cure for coronavirus?
So far none. There are no medicines or vaccines. Patients are treated for the symptoms they show.

Does garlic kill or reduce the effect of coronavirus?
Can coronavirus be cured with taking boiled garlic water?
There is no scientific proof yet of garlic either killing the new strain of the coronavirus or reducing its effect. But it is a fact that garlic does have many good health benefits, like antioxidant properties, improving blood circulation, and reducing levels of cholesterol. This strain of the virus itself is new. It will take time for researchers to find a cure or a vaccine. There might be anecdotal evidences of patients showing improvement in their condition after taking garlic, or something similar food that has health benefits. But that doesn't qualify as a cure or a medicine.

What is the incubation period for the coronavirus?
It's currently 2 to 10 days. Incubation period is the time taken for symptoms of a disease to surface after the person has been exposed to a virus or bacteria.

How many days a person survive after effected from coronavirus?
It varies depending on the immunity levels and general health of the individual.

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