DRM Consortium announces DRM for education e-book and initiative on 10th World Radio Day

The Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) Consortium is celebrating the 10th World Radio Day (WRD), adopted by the UN General Assembly as an international day in 2012, by supporting the three main themes of the WRD 2021: evolution, innovation, and connection in a very practical way.

To mark the day, February 13th,  the DRM Consortium will be launching its first DRM for Education e-book, as well as the DRM Delivers Education for All initiative, which is a project you may want to learn about, support, get involved in and implement. (If so, please get in touch with: projectoffice@drm.org)

Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) was developed as an innovative substitute for large and, later, local audio coverage. DRM offers excellent audio quality in all frequency bands (SW, AM and VHF) doubled by new data carriage opportunities that can be used now for a purpose in great demand, distance education.

The DRM e-book makes a strong case for using DRM for distance learning. As a "one-to many" platform, digital radio can deliver audio and text over vast areas and, therefore, to all the schools and students in villages far away or in busy cities, with the same content and quality and without any discrimination. With the advantages of DRM, the content in audio and text can be listened to and accessed live or they can be stored and replayed. as many times as necessary, later.

This is a great advantage of digital radio over analogue (not sufficiently showcased and used until now) that needs to be exploited fully to bridge the educational gap that exists in most countries of the world and which the pandemic has made so much worse or more visible.

Ruxandra Obreja, DRM Chairman, said: "This first virtual education book by the DRM is also an invitation to participate in an exciting adventure, our DRM Delivers Education for All initiative, which by using innovation and creativity will allow partners to introduce radio as the new friend, the trusted guide and teacher to a whole new generation of listeners and to millions of students left out of the education process just now."

Download the pdf version of DRM e-book here :   DRM e-book pdf download

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