Introducing train ticket booking on Google Pay, powered by IRCTC
Users can now buy train tickets directly on Google Pay, at no additional cost

Search, book and cancel train tickets, with ease and convenience, right within the app

Starting today, train ticket booking for Indian Railways, powered by Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), is now available on Google Pay!

We've been constantly striving to bring Indian users helpful ways to make money transactions simpler, and this is another way to make the lives of our users easier through Google Pay.  

Now, all users in India with the latest Google Pay app using Android and iOS devices will be able to:

Search, book, cancel - All from Google Pay
You will be able to search and browse train options, and book or cancel tickets with your IRCTC account, at no additional cost, within a fast, intuitive and reliable user experience.

See availability and duration
You can easily see details like seat availability, journey duration, and travel times between your stations of choice, so it is easy to compare and choose between options.

Buy tickets at no additional cost
Book your train tickets on Google Pay, without any extra charges, as we launch. So go ahead, update your app to check it out now!
Search, Select and Book right within Google Pay

We have already seen hugely encouraging user response for cab and bus ticket booking options on Google Pay with abhiBus, Goibibo, RedBus, Uber* and Yatra. Now with IRCTC on Google Pay, your travel is made simpler even on trains.  

In the last year and a half since we launched Google Pay (then known as Tez), we've worked to develop new features to make payments simple for our Indian users. We are thrilled that millions of Indians are adopting Google Pay month on month from all over the country, in towns and villages to recharge their mobile plans, pay bills, pay for movies, book cabs, buy bus tickets and more.

We will continue innovating on Google Pay to help you get to where you need to go by bus, by cab, or by train, and make everyday payment transactions a simple process for you.
Enjoy your ride!

Posted by Ambarish Kenghe, Director, Product Management, Google Pay

*only available on Android

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