DRM Education Webinar

Under the Title of "Digital Radio Mondiale DRM – Delivering Distance Education," the DRM Consortium in collaboration with Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) and Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) hosted an interactive webinar session on June 18th which enjoyed the participation of over 165 participants, on par with previous two April webinars organised with the great support of ABU .

During the 120 minute webinar today participants saw how Digital Radio Mondiale DRM can be as effective or even more effective than the internet in delivering rich and targeted teaching material to millions of students who have no access to IP connections and devices.

The webinar main presenters (Alex Zink, Thimmaiah Kuppanda Ganapathy and Ruxandra Obreja) went through the planning and programming stages of getting education audio and text content to the listeners or rather users. The presenters looked at the transmission chain, the content server configuration (the teacher), the DRM software radio receiver (the student) and the DRM distance learning content, with a live demo at the end. During the webinar the questions kept coming and they were answered on the spot or will be answered in writing very soon. A selection of these will be posted on the new Q@A page of the www.drm.org website.

Next series of three webinars by DRM consortium will be organised with AIBD and will start on July 8th. If you wish to be a presenter in August or September please contact DRM consortium.

In September DRM consortium will be organising an "IBC Townhall Meeting" (DRM organised webinar) where you will be able to update colleagues and guests on your DRM activities and products. More information always available by writing to :    projectoffice@drm.org

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