Inspiration - As an Engineer He Earned Rs 24 Lakh. As a Farmer He Earns Rs 2 Crore!

Sachin, would often visit at the village and was fascinated by the stories of farming told by his grandfather. However, like many middle class families in India, Sachin's parents also wanted him to become an engineer or a doctor. Sachin loved studying too, so he fulfilled his parents' wishes by completing his mechanical engineering course from REC, Nagpur (now called as VRCE) in2000. A profound learner, Sachin also finished his MBA (finance) course just after his engineering and he is also a law graduate.

In 2007, Sachin also started his PhD in developmental economics. This was when the spark of entrepreneurship ignited in his mind. Thoughts like why he was working for someone else and not for himself kept disturbing him while he was still climbing the ladder of success in his corporate life.

"While thinking about options for entrepreneurship, I came to the conclusion that the food industry is the most important yet the most ignored one by us. That is when I recalled the lessons given by my grandfather about farming," says Sachin, while speaking to TBI from his farm.

Sachin's grandfather would often tell him how one can survive without earning money at any given point but one cannot survive without food. So if you know the art of growing your own food, you can survive at any condition. He would also take Sachin to their 25-acre ancestral land and talk about how it was his dream to revive the entire land into a farm someday. Among various lessons that his grandfather gave him, Sachin focused on this one issue: the availability of labor.

Sachin started thinking about how he could benefit the farmers, but he knew that to become an agripreneur, he would have to first learn farming and set an example by drawing more profit.
In 2013, Sachin left his luxurious life in Gurgaon, where he was working as a manager for Punj Lloyd, getting a hefty salary of 24 lakh per annum, and shifted to Medhpar to become a farmer.

Talking about challenges, Sachin says: "Everything was a challenge, as I had absolutely no clue about farming. I had to learn everything from tilling the land to sowing the seeds."

Sachin invested his entire provident fund of 15 years and decided that he would go back to the corporate life if he's unsuccessful as he had a family that was dependent on him.

Thus in 2014, Sachin launched his own company, Innovative Agrilife Solutions Pvt. Ltd., which helped farmers with the contract farming model of farming. Sachin also hired consultants from the Agriculture College at Bilaspur to teach the farmers new technology and the right way of farming. The basic fundamentals of contract farming is very simple and profitable.

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