An official digital platform for the 'India perspective' — the Centre is considering a plan to launch a high-end digital platform that will present "India's point of view and perspective on global events on the Internet". Operating cost is estimated at around Rs 75 crore. The idea was discussed by a committee headed by the Prasar Bharati chairman, A Surya Prakash, and the Prasar Bharati board has approved it recently. The digital channel, according to its concept note, "will challenge the anti-India narrative in foreign media through hard and compelling commentary, challenge stereotypes attributed to Indian systems and put forward the India perspective". The other members of the committee included Sunil Alagh and Shashi Shekar Vempati, members, Prasar Bharati board, R Jagannathan, editorial director, Swarajya magazine, Vamsee Juluri, professor, University of San Francisco, and Prasar Bharati interim CEO Rajeev Singh.
The digital platform will serve as the go-to point for "the Indian voice" for global opinion makers, influencers, domestic media, India-focused researchers, global academia and think tanks, Surya Prakash told ET, adding that Vempati had come up with the concept. The idea of a global news channel was first mooted by the United Progressive Alliance government but the initiative could never come to fruition. "It couldn't happen earlier for whatever reason. But this is the right time to have a global media presence," Surya Prakash said. The report of the Prasar Bharati committee that ET has reviewed recommends that the proposed digital platform be created "through an appropriate corporate structure under the Companies Act, 2013, that will ensure both financial autonomy and global competitiveness". The goals of this initiative will be to become a "global news brand for the voice of India". Specific goals have been set: over a three-year period, 10 million to 100 million page views a month, 1 million mobile app downloads, and 1 million YouTube subscribers.
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