Noted Veteran Actor Tiku Talsania will soon be seen in Sony Sab’s upcoming show Sajan Re Phir Jhoot Mat Bolo. Tiku Talsania will be playing the role of a father to the male protagonist (Hussain Kuwajerwala) in the show.
Tiku Talsania has acted in more than 200 movies, along with playing key roles in dozens of Television shows. The actor who is known for his comic roles in Entertainment Industry had also played few serious roles in the past.
Commenting on this new show, Tiku Talsania said, “ I am glad to be a part of Sajan Re Phir Jhoot Mat Bolo. I have played the role of a father before but this time my role is quite different from what I have portrayed before. The show has a very powerful storyline which I am sure the audience will love. Sony SAB has always given me the best roles in comedy and I am glad to work with them again".
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