Shortwave Radio Meetings – 2019

Here's a list of major radio related meetings of 2019, amendments and corrections are welcome.

Date: February 13
Description: UNESCO World Radio Day

Dates: February 28-March 2
Location: Plymouth Meeting (near Philadelphia), PA, USA
Description: Winter SWL Fest
Expected attendance: 150
NASWA Winter SWL Fest
February 28 – March 2, 2019, Doubletree Suites Philadelphia West, Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania. The Winter SWL Fest is a conference of radio hobbyists of all stripes, from DC to daylight.

Date: March 2 (1430-1700 BST)
Location: Reading International Solidarity Centre (RISC), 35-39 London Street, Reading RG1 4PS, England
Organization: Reading International Radio Group
Expected attendance: 20
More info:; , Barraclough.mike at
Note: Reading DX meetings are held with about 2 months interval (next one on May 25th)
British DX Club Web Site - Home Page<
The British DX Club is the premier club for all interested in radio listening. Covers dxing, schedules, programming, shortwave, MW, LW and FM radio for members in UK and overseas

Dates: March 31-April 2
Location: Lausanne, Switzerland
Description: Radiodays Europe 2019 -conference

Dates: May 3-5
Location: Jönköping, Sweden
Description: DX-Parlamentet 2019, the annual meeting of the SDXF together with the meeting of Arctic Radio Club (a club specialized in MW DXing)
Organization: The Swedish DX-Federation (SDXF)

Dates: May 9-10
Location: Cary, North Carolina, USA
Description: Annual NASB Conference, hosted by TWR International
Organization: National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters

Dates: May 17-19
Location: Dayton, Ohio, USA
Organization: Dayton Hamvention
Expected attendance: 20000

Dates: June 21-23
Location: Friedrichshafen, Germany
Description: Ham Radio, biggest annual hamfest in Europe
Expected attendance: 20000

Dates: July
Location: Döbriach, Austria
Description: DX-Camp of ADXB-OE

Dates: August 2-4
Location: Southern Finland
Description: The annual summer meeting of the Finnish DX Association
Expected attendance: 100
More info:, rv at

Dates: August 31-September 1
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Description: Big ham fair with a SW sector (Japan SW Club stand and lectures)
Organization: Tokyo HAM Fair sponsored by JARL
Expected attendance: 30000
More info: ohtaket at

Dates: September 5-7
Location: Tukwila, Washington, USA (near Seattle)
Description: IRCA Convention

Dates: September 6-8
Location: Andorra
Description: European DX Conference
Organization: European DX Council
Expected attendance: 50
More info:

Dates: September 6-11
Location: Berlin, Germany
Name: IFA Internationale Funkausstellung
Description: Consumer Electronics Fair - Including Radios

Dates: September 12-17
Location: Amsterdam, Holland
Decsription: IBC 2019, conference and exhibition

Dates: October 8-10
Location: Kanyakumari, India
Description: Ham Fest India 2019

Risto Vahakainu, FDXA

(Via HCDX List)

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