Will be missing the road to Karbala this year :Pratul Joshi AIR Lukhnow

The capital of Awadh Nawabs Lucknow is famous for its social,cultural,literary, religious ganga jamuna tehzib. During Moharram All India Radio Lucknow broadcast its special programs.This special recordings was in much demand in gulf countries.But the time has come that due to Corona people are compelled to worship from home and they will be missing the road to Karbala this year.
The senior broadcaster of AIR Lucknow who is looking after the Urdu Programme with his full stream Mr.Pratul Joshi ,Astt. Director, ha expressed his pain and said in a FB post....
"In last years, I along with my friends and my wife used to be in Karbala (at Lucknow) near Aishbagh on 10th day of Moharram.The observance of Muharram in Lucknow is very different than any other town of this country.It is 10 days period when different activities related to Muharram takes place big way in different parts of city. Great poets of Urdu Anees and Dabeer belonged to Lucknow. They have written Marsiyas which are supposed to be piece of great literary works.These Marsiyas are recited with full religious fervour at public places and inside the four walls of houses in "Majlis".These Majlis are addressed by ladies as well ( for ladies only).The way battle of Karbala is portrayed in these Marsiyas is fascinating even for those who don't have religious faith. Victoria Street of Lucknow is one place during Muharram where you can find hundreds of people during all 9 days. The Matam on fire is also another testimony of deep religious faith which used to take place at Imambara Shah Najaf on 7th of Muharram. The grand procession from Bara Imambara is also a unique feature of Moharram of Lucknow. I attended it more than once. But for me, Yome Ashur or 10th day became special bcoz a number of Tanzeems will recite in their own way the valor of Hazrat Imam Hussain (& his 72 followers) while proceeding to Karbala (near Aishbagh in old Lucknow). My favorite Tanzeem had been one from Kashmiri Muhalla in which members used to recite some verses with some Persian touch. A most disciplined crowd (mostly in black clothes and majority from Shia community) will be walking covering a distance of more than 10 kms. Hundreds of Alams can be seen from early morning till late evening on 10th day of Muharram on this road.I developed interest in all these events as I looked after Urdu programme of AIR Lucknow for more than six years. This year, everybody missing all this bcoz of Corona restrictions.But for me Hazrat Imam Hussain is a symbol of fighting spirit against oppressing rulers."

Input- Mr.Pratul Joshi FB page 
Report-Prafulla Kumar Tripathi, Lucknow.

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