Sh. Yogiraj Bokade Assistant Engineer of NC SPT AIR Nagpur is retired on superannuation after completing marathon service for 34 years in various stations of AIR and Doordarshan. He started his career by joining at LPT Nanded on 5/8/1986.Then he worked at DDK Ahmedabad, DDK Nagpur, LPT Bramhapuri, LPT Balaghat, DDK Gawhati.At present he was posted to NC SPT AIR Nagpur in April 2017.
His son is doctor having MS degree and daughter is studying in Final year of Engineering in YCC Nagpur.
PB Parivar wishes him happy and healthy retired life
Forwarded By:Nandkumar Wankhede AE VP(WZ)ARTEE,Mumbai
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