IIBF, the largest institute for bankers celebrates its 90th anniversary on 27th April 2018. IIBF, which started as an examination body in 1928 has migrated to an educational body focussing on professional excellence. It has today expanded its activities into education, training, research, consultancy, etc., in its nine-decade-long journey.
“This journey of 90 years has been filled with remarkable success as well as challenges and obstacles. It has been a journey of creating history, venturing into new areas, only to emerge as leaders, capitalising on its vision and professional spirit” says Dr.J.N.Misra, CEO of the Institute.
During the year, the Institute has adopted virtual class room training to enable the candidates to get adequate education/knowledge inputs. through this virtual classroom training mode, Institute will be able to disseminate training inputs to a larger audience without diluting the quality at a nominal cost.
Indian bank association (IBA) vide its circular dated 26th april 2017, addressed to banks had identified IIBF as one of the institutes for providing certification in the areas identified by RBI namely, treasury operations, risk management, accounting & audit function and credit management. During the last financial year, about 10,000 bankers have enrolled for these capacity building courses with IIBF. Due to this, banks now have a larger pool of certified professionals in the said areas. These courses are blended in nature with an online examination followed by training.
In addition to the above courses, RBI, vide its letter dated 31st may 2017, addressed to IBA, has mentioned that the course offered by IIBF in association with FEDAI, on “Foreign exchange operations” will also be a mandatory qualification for those who are working or desirous of working in the area of foreign exchange operations. About 20,000 bankers have enrolled for this course in the past two years.
IIBF is a founder member of the global banking education standards board (GBESTB).the major objective of the GBESTB is to develop clear, internationally agreed standards for the education of professional bankers.
The institute has signed a mutual recognition agreement with the chartered banker institute, Edinburg, UK; wherein, certified associates of the Indian institute of bankers (CAIIB) are eligible to have their qualification recognised by the chartered banker institute and attain chartered banker status through a professional conversion programme
IIBF has emerged as a premier institute in banking and finance education for those employed as well as seeking employment in the sector.
The institute is managed by a governing council comprising eminent persons from the banking and finance sector, academicians and professionals.