A Legend is gone, was the refrain of all those I interacted in connection with the sad and unfortunate demise of CR. CR RAMASWAMY, better and fondly known to his contemporaries as CR passed away on 20th October 2017 at Chennai at the age of 83. He retired as DDG, AIR on 31.5.1992. He is survived by his wife, a son and a daughter who are settled well in the US. Born on 18.5.1934, CR joined service on 11.8.1958 as a Programme Executive and had an extremely illustrious career in the organization. "He was probably the most scholarly person of AIR during those times'' reminisced Shri. TK Thomas who took VRS from the organization as Director (FW) way back in 1987. A family friend of CR, Shri. TK Thomas is filled with fond memories for the departed soul. He recalled that CR had even given a draft of Rs. 3 lakh rupees for his son's higher education at the US and asked him not to tell his father; it is another matter that the education proposal did not materialize and the amount was returned. ''Such was the humane nature of CR'' recalls Shri. Thomas. CR served in many places during the course of his career which include Nagpur, Bangalore, Vijayawada, Chennai, New Delhi, Kohima, Tirunelveli, Guwahati, Aizawl among others. Recalls Shri. SS Pandian, Programme Executive (Retd.) who served under him as a casual in ESD, when CR was the Director and subsequently as a Programme Executive – ''CR was a person who had no rancor or illwill against anybody''. CR in the course of his career had served as DDG (PP & D) and DDG (Inspection) too. In the latter capacity CR had to visit many stations to conduct audit of programmes and in this context Shri. Vijaya Thiruvengadam, Former SD of AIR, Chennai fondly remembers how CR reposed faith in individuals and his subordinates. During one such visit to AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, when Shri. Thiruvengadam was the SD, "CR's visit reflected this sentiment" said he. ''CR believed in innovation in Broadcasting; he inspired and motivated young officers and he had no poor opinion about anyone'' emphasizes Shri. Thiruvengadam.
CR had visited the UK under the Imperial Bursar Scheme for a period of 5 months sometime in the late 60's. He had a never ending romance with books and his huge collection of books on almost any subject you name, bear testimony to the fact. Shri. Krishnan, Retd. DDG who remained a close friend of CR for over 40 years sounded very emotional when he was informed of the unfortunate demise of CR. "He had an excellent command over both English and Tamil and would have the audience spellbound with his clarity and mastery over the Queen's language". "He was a consummate speaker and a prolific writer, very eloquent in his command over English and had even coined attractive slogans for AIR'' recalls Shri. Gururaj, another contemporary of CR, who retired as Director of National Channel.
CR, a multifaceted personality, after retirement was associated with the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan as its Principal for a few years, had been a member of Asian Broadcasting Union, ABU and has contributed to many journals. Every ABU Conference invariably featured CR's thought provoking and incisive article. "CR's forte was Spoken Word, especially Talks English", remarked Shri. Vijaya Thiruvengadam. Dusting old memories about CR, Shri. Thiruvengadam in a humorous vein recalled how CR used to be at ease with the biting cold of Delhi in just trousers and slacks without any sweater or muffler. ''It was only this July that I on my way from Poovathoor, my home town visited CR at his residence in Chennai. I was moved to tears at his state as he was not able to communicate. Though he shall continue to live in my memories, I shall continue to miss him'' expressed Shri. TK. Thomas with a sigh of grief.
Though a generation apart, and having joined the organization only in 1989, I had not the fortune to interact with him in his official capacity. Though at the personal level, he had ample words of warmth and professional advice, whenever sought for. His professional outlook and felicity with the language which danced to his tunes, that turned me into his abiding admirer. It's an irreparable loss to all broadcast professionals, for we have grown poorer by a legend and a human being. I join you all in praying to Lord Narayana, (about whom CR was very fond of) and may the benign soul attain His Heavenly Abode.