Shiokaze schedule update

Shiokaze QSL. Gayle Van Horn Collection
Clandestine station, Shiokaze (Sea Breeze) has updated their broadcast schedule, to reflect the following changes.

Effective from: 19 January 2018

All times UTC

1300-1400 5935 YAM 300 kW / 280 deg to NEAs, ex 6085 as follows:

1300-1330 Chinese Mon; Japanese Tue/Sat; Korean Wed/Fri/Sun; English Thu
1330-1400 Korean Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat; Japanese Tue/Sun; English Thu
1600-1700 6110 YAM 300 kW / 280 deg to NEAs, ex 7285 as follows
1600-1630 Chinese Mon; Japanese Tue/Sat; Korean Wed/Fri/Sun; English Thu
1630-1700 Korean Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat; Japanese Tue/Sun; English Thu
(SWLDX/Teak Pub)

Station has been n the air since 30 October, 2005. Frequencies are subject to change without notice.

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