Mumbai, 9th January, 2018: Tata Power, India's largest integrated power company, has always been at the forefront in undertaking initiatives for the betterment of the communities surrounding its areas of operations. In line with its endeavor of being a ‘Neighbor of Choice’, Tata Power Community Development Trust (TPCDT) is now working closely with the Labor Commissioner’s Office to facilitate the implementation of the Janshree Bima Yojna for Self Help Group members working in the unorganised sector. More than 220 SHG members have already been enrolled under this programme. TPCDT aims to enroll about 1000 SHG members by the end of this financial year.
The main objective of TPCDT will be to facilitate implementation of this social security scheme for the workers from unorgansied sector like domestic workers, contract workers, home-based workers amongst others. Under this initiative, TPCDT will educate SHG members on the benefits of enrolling for this scheme and facilitate their registration by encouraging them to make a one-time nominal payment of Rs.50, which will then be supplemented by contributions from the State Government and Central Government by Rs.50 and Rs.100 respectively for life insurance coverage amounting to a total sum of Rs. 75,000. The scheme will also provide scholarships of Rs.1200 per year to the children of enrolled members studying from standard 9th to 12th.
Speaking about the initiative, Mr. Ashok Sethi, COO & Executive Director , Tata Power, said, “As of May 2015, only 20% of India's population has any kind of insurance, this percentage fall further when we consider the people living below the poverty line. The Janashree Bima Yojana is a very beneficial scheme that has the potential to move people living on the periphery of society to a better life. We are extremely happy to work with the Labour Commissioners Office to facilitate the implementation of the Janashree Bima Yojana in the communities around Trombay. We will educate the SHG members of the scheme’s benefits and facilitate their enrollment thereby helping them in securing their family’s future. We would like to thank our employees who have volunteered to make this initiative a positive success.”
The Janashree Bima Yojana (JBY) is a government-sponsored socially oriented insurance scheme. Jointly devised by the Central Government and Life Insurance Corporation (LIC), this scheme offers life insurance protection to rural and urban people below and marginally above the poverty line. However, due to a lack of awareness and education this beneficial scheme has remained unsubscribed to by the underprivileged people eligible for it.