Holiday Programming List

All times UTC

Germany - Channel 292 
Tue 24 Dec 6070
   R Nordzee Top 50: 0600, 0700
   SuperClan R: 0800
   R Ohne Namen: 1000, 1100, 1200, 18002030, 2130, 2230
   Korches R.: 1300, 1400
   Crusader R: 1500
   Radio Rock A.M.: 1600
   Easy Listening: 1700
   From The Isle of Music: 1900
   Uncle Bills Melting Pot: 2000

Wed 25 Dec 6070
   Jammin Oldes: 0600, 0700
   SuperClan R: 0800
   SE-TA 2: 0900, 1000
   R Ohne Namen: 1100, 1200, 1300
   R Texas Shortwave: 1400, 2100, also on 7440
   Crusader R: 1900
   Easy Listening: 2000

Thu 26 Dec 6070khz  (*=100kW via Nauen)
   Jammin Oldes: 0600, 0700
   SuperClan R: 0800
   R Klein Paris: 0900*
   SM R Dessau: 1000*
   Goldrausch 6070: 1100*
   R Power Rumpel: 1200*
   Decade AM: 1300*
   R Ohne Namen: 1400*
   Hit AM: 1500*
   Jake FM: 1600*
   Easy Listening: 1700
   Just Right: 1900

Germany - NDR 
  "Gruß an Bord" "Greetings on Board"
Tue 24 Dec - 1900-2300
 Pt 1 = 1900-2100: 6030  6080  9570  9740  9800 11650
 Pt 2 = 2100-2300: 6145  6155  9590  9675  9740 9830

Google translates: NDR Info sends the "Greeting on board" from 20:05 to
22:00 CET. This is followed by the transmission of the Christmas Mass from the church of St. Mary Magdalene in Bochum-Wattenscheid from 22 to 23.15 CET. Then you will hear the second part of "Greetings on Board" until midnight CET.

It has tradition and exudes a very special pre-Christmas mood: On Christmas Eve greetings are sent to the seafarers around the world from 8:05 pm - 10:00 pm and from 11:15 pm - midnight on NDR Info. And on the most different channels and technical ways, so that the greetings and messages can be guaranteed to be received on all seven seas.

The ship's crews have several options to receive the program "Greeting on Board". Also the shortwave belongs to it.  The live streams of the program (20.05 to 22 clock and 23.15 clock to 24 clock MEZ) can be found here: NDR Info and NDR Info Special.

In addition, there is the possibility to listen to the program via the NDR radio app. NDR Info can also be received via FM, DAB + and DVB-S radio, NDR Info special only via DAB + and DVB-S radio.

So that all crew members on board - on the seas or in the harbors can receive the traditional program, the NDR radio has also rented shortwave frequencies:

 From 19:00 - 21:00
Frequency target area
6080 kHz Atlantic - North
11650 kHz Atlantic - South
9800 kHz Atlantic / Indian Ocean (South Africa)
9740 kHz Indian Ocean - West
9570 kHz Indian Ocean - East
6030 kHz Europe

 From 21:00 - 23:00
Frequency target area
6145 kHz Atlantic - North
9830 kHz Atlantic - South
9590 kHz Atlantic / Indian Ocean (South Africa)
9740 kHz Indian Ocean - West
9675 kHz Indian Ocean - East
6155 kHz Europe
(Via Harald Kuhl in BDXC-UK)

Japan - NHK World R Japan  
Friends Around the World - Letters & Songs Sun 29 Dec - 0510-0530: 6155, 7410, 9860 Sun 29 Dec - 1110-1130: 11825, Sun 29 Dec - 1410-1430: 6165, 11925

We look back at 2019 and talk about what's been making news in Japan.

Write to us and we'll send you a special program sticker!

Our postal address is: English Service, NHK World Japan, Tokyo 150-8001, Japan.
If you'd rather send an email, go to "Contact" form at:
(via NHK Website)

United Kingdom - BBC World Service
  50 More Things That Made The Modern Economy: Santa Sun 22 Dec - 1050-1100 Online
   Therefore shortwave airings possibly as:
   Sat 21 Dec - 0550-0600   5875, 6005, 6195
   Sun 22 Dec - 2250-2300  3915, 5890, 5960, 6150
Why does Father Christmas Wear Red and White?
It is not for the reason you may think. Tim Harford tells the story of Christmas and consumerism.
Produced by Ben Crighton for the BBC World Service.
(Via BBC Media Centre)

The sounds of Christmas will come from Manchester, England as Heart And Soul hears the choirs that represent the rich diversity of this city as they share the songs which say "Christmas" to them.

We will start in the heart of Manchester's Caribbean community with the multi-cultural Inspirational Voices Choir and hear how their faith is empowered by the inspirational songs they sing.

WAST, a choir of women asylum seekers, tell us about the Christmas they have left behind and what it means to them to come together.
(Via BBC Media Centre)

A Festival Of Nine Lessons And Carols
Tue 24 Dec - 1500-1630: 7445, 7485, 15400, 17640, 17830
(scheduled freq from 1600 but may be on-air earlier; other frequencies may also be used)

Service marks for many people around the world the beginning of Christmas.

It is based around nine Bible readings, which tell the story of the loving purposes of God. They are interspersed with carols old and new, sung by the world famous Choir Of King's College Cambridge, who also lead the congregation in traditional Christmas hymns.
Produced by Tim Allen for the BBC World Service.
(Via BBC Media Centre)

Newshour Christmas Quiz
Wed 25 Dec - 0900-0950 Online
Therefore shortwave airings possibly as:
Wed 25 Dec - 2000-2100 11810, 12095

They can ask the tough questions - but do they know the answers? On 25 December, Newshour on BBC World Service Radio will put its hosts to the test in the tenth annual Newshour Christmas Quiz.

MC James Coomarasamy will find out what his colleagues Tim Franks, James Menendez, Rebecca Kesby and Paul Henley can remember about the events of 2019. Big brains or blank faces: what do you think?
Produced by Paul Schuster for the BBC World Service.
(Via BBC Media Centre)

Correspondents Look Ahead
Friday 27 Dec - 0900-1000 online
   Therefore shortwave airings possibly as:
   Sat 28 Dec - 0006-0100 5875, 5970
   Sat 28 Dec - 0406-0500 7285, 9410, 9915

Lyse Doucet and a panel of top BBC journalists analyse some of the key events happening around the world and try to forecast the key trends, events and personalities of 2020.
Produced by Hugh Levinson for the BBC World Service
(Via BBC Media Centre)

The Arts Hour Holiday Comedy
Saturday 28 Dec 2000-2100 Online
Therefore shortwave airings possibly as:
Sat 28 Dec - 2006-2100  11810, 12095
Wed 1 Jan - 0006-0100   5875, 5970

In a special program, The Arts Hour celebrates the New Year with a showcase of the brightest and funniest comedians from around the world.

Malawian stand-up Daliso Chaponda hosts the international line-up which includes Sofie Hagen, Janine Harouni, Eshaan Akbar, Masud Milas and Brodi Snook. The array of comedy talent will be tackling global issues and asking what's next for the world in 2020.
Produced by Olivia Skinner for the BBC World Service
(Via BBC Media Centre)

In The Studio: Singing For The Pope
Tuesday 31 Dec - 1130-1200 Online
Therefore shortwave airing possibly:
Tue 31 Dec - 1132-1200  6195, 9580, 11945
Tue 31 Dec - 2132-2200 11810, 12095
Tue 31 Dec - 2332-2400  3915, 5890, 6195, 11825
 Tue 37 Jan - 0332-0400  6195, 7285

In this special festive edition of In The Studio, Glyn Tansley goes behind the facade of the Vatican to meet the members of the oldest choir in the world, as they prepare for the biggest night on their calendar.

The Sistine Chapel Choir has a history dating back 1500 years, but it's still one of the most active cultural institutions at the very heart of the Vatican.

It also has the prestige of being the Pope's personal choir, performing for him whenever he's in St Peter's Basilica. As the Holy Father's personal choir, it is called upon to play an ecumenical role, contributing to bringing together in art what has been separated by history and politics.

In their rehearsal room we meet the men and boys who make up the choir, as they prepare for Christmas Mass, an event watched around the world by millions of worshiper's. We'll come to understand why being in this choir so important to them, and the pressures of always being on display through the Vatican's global TV and radio services.

This is a rare glimpse into the real lives at the heart of an ancient tradition.
Produced by Glyn Tansley and Lyndon Jones for the BBC World Service
(Via BBC Media Centre)

United States - Adventist World Radio 
AWR Wavescan
All airings week commencing 22 December

A special program of Christmas music

Sunday 22 Dec
   0230 WRMI: 7780
   0430 WWCR: 4840
   0600 Voice of Hope, Zambia: 9680 11680
   0930 WRMI: 5950
   1200 IRRS: 9510
   1430 WRMI: 9955
   1600 AWR: 9580, 17730
   2100 WRMI: 7780

Monday 23 Dec
   0100 WRMI: 7780
   0330 WRMI: 5985
   0800 WRMI: 5850 5950 7730
   1415 WRMI: 9955
   2300 WRMI: 9955

Tuesday 24 Dec
   0030 WRMI: 7730
   0130 WRMI: 7780
   0330 WRMI: 5985
   1330 WRMI: 15770
   1930 IRRS Italy: 7290

Wednesday 25 Dec
   0200 WRMI: 9955

Thursday 26 Dec
   0030 WRMI: 7730
   0100 WRMI: 9955
   0130 WRMI: 7780

Friday 27 Dec
   0330 WINB: 9265

Saturday 28 Dec
   0100 WRMI: 7780
   0400 WRMI: 9955
   1200 WRMI: 9955
   1600 KVOH: 17775
   2015 WRMI: 7780
   2330 WRMI: 9955
(Alan Roe/BDXC)
(portions edited for clarity by Teak Publishing)

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