As posted by Sukhjinder Kaur ji...
The year ends on a high note as my daughter Jasmine Kaur Roy and her husband Avinash Roy received the Rajat Kamal for Best Investigative Film for their heart wrenching film Amoli at the National Film Awards yesterday. Extremely proud of their dedication and the hard work that they put in their work. Wishing you both many more laurels and success in life.
The year ends on a high note as my daughter Jasmine Kaur Roy and her husband Avinash Roy received the Rajat Kamal for Best Investigative Film for their heart wrenching film Amoli at the National Film Awards yesterday. Extremely proud of their dedication and the hard work that they put in their work. Wishing you both many more laurels and success in life.
Courtsy : Parvesh AnkarAll India Radio & DDn Friends