District Ayush Department conducted one day health check up camp at All India Radio, Bangalore. Smt. Neha Swami, DDG(E) and HOO inagurated the function and said health is wealth and all the staff members should check their health regularly with frequent intervals. This will be helpful to their future. Health is more valuable for a person than the money because money cannot buy a good health and happiness if some one is suffering from disease.
Ayurveda is a pristine science of bringing your body, mind and soul in harmony that was born in India. Since ancient days, we have relied on natural products like herbal pastes and powders for our health and beauty needs. Although the value of these herbs went un-noticed for some time, today people have realized their value and they are once again in demand. Ayurveda medicines does not have any side effect and its safe to human body. Ayurveda is nature friendly. Hence all can use/consume Ayurveda medicine without any fear said Dr. Mohammed Rafi Hallem, District Ayush Officer, Bangalore Division(Rural/Urban) in his Presidential addrss.
Smt. Vijayalaxmi sung prayer song. Dr. N. Raghu,AD(P)/HOP, Dr. D. Padmavathi, AD(P), S. P. Methre, Director(E), Dr. Shanthala, Medical Officer, Dr. Hallema, Medical Officer were present on the dais.
All the staff members actively participated in this health camp.
Contribution: K. Ashok, PEX, CRD, AIR & DD, BENGALURU, Mob: 9449259218
Contribution: K. Ashok, PEX, CRD, AIR & DD, BENGALURU, Mob: 9449259218