1. Print- Johnson Poovanthuruthu -series of articles titled "Kanchavil Kurunguya Kaumaram" published in Deepika from 8/2/19 to 13/2/19
2. Video- K.Rajendran- "duranthaanantharam"- programme on mental health issues of people in the post flood period- Kairali TV- telecast on August 28, 2019
3. Audio- T.P Rajesh- AIR Kochi FM 102.3- for "parasparam"- a live phone-in programme on mental health issues broadcast every Tuesday 3pm and "vimuktiyanu lahari", a special programme of drug abuse.
AIR Kochi FM had broadcast 53 programmes on mental health from 1st September 2018 to 31st August 2019.
Source : Shirley Jacob