Waiting Time in CGHS Dispensaries and Treatment of Skin disorders under CGHS

Medicines are normally available at CGHS Wellness Centres and in case any medicine is not readily available, the same are procured through Authorized Local Chemist (ALC) and are supplied to the CGHS beneficiary. In case any medicine is required urgently, there is a provision for issue of Authority Slip to CGHS beneficiaries to collect medicines directly from ALC without payment.Medicines for chronic illness are issued upto 3 months for the convenience of CGHS beneficiaries.

Further, following steps have been taken by the Government to augment the availability of medicines at CGHS Wellness Centres:-
Indents have been placed through HLL Life Care Ltd. to procure rate contract generic medicines as an interim measure.
Additional Director of concerned CGHS City has been authorized to procure day to day required generic medicines from nearby Affordable Medicines and Reliable Implants for Treatment (AMRIT) stores till 31st March, 2019.

Treatment of Skin disorders under CGHS

CGHS empanels private General Hospitals, Eye Care Centres, exclusive Cancer Hospitals and Dental Clinics. The private General hospitals are empanelled for all facilities available in the hospital and CGHS does not empanel Speciality wise like Dermatology. CGHS beneficiary can consult Dermatologist in empanelled hospitals having Dermatology Speciality after referral from CGHS Wellness Centre. There is no such list of non-listed treatment procedure/investigations; which are not available in CGHS empanelled hospitals/diagnostic centres, under CGHS.

Source and Credit :- http://bit.ly/2RDoWB6

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