Annual Performance and Appraisal Report (APAR) for Central Government Employees has evalved from Annual Confidental report written by higher officials for their subordinates – Here are important APAR Frequently Asked Questions compilation for knowing the features of APAR in the correct perspective
16.What is the course of action when no Reporting Officer is having the requisite experience of 3 months or more during the period of Report?
A. In such a case Revewing Officer himself should initiate the report as Reporting Officer and the same will be reviewed by the next higher authority.
17.Whether Reporting/Reviewing officer placed under suspension can write /review the APAR of his sub-ordinantes?
A. To be got written /reviewed within two months from the date of his having been placed under suspension or within one month from the date on which the report was due. If for major portion of the report he is under suspension he should not be allowed to write/review the report of his subordinate.
18.Whether Reporting Officer can write the APAR of his near relative?
A. As far as possible near relative should not be posted under him for longer period. If in-escapable the APAR would be written by Reviewing Officer.
19.Can the Reporting Officer write the APAR of his subordinate after retirement?
A. Yes. Within one month of his retirement or demission of office.
20.Shri 'X' Senior Auditor was issued charge sheet in the month of August 2005. He was awarded punishment in the month of May 2006. In which annual APAR the entry relating to penalty will be recorded?
A. An entry will be recorded in the APAR of the year in which penalty is awarded i.e. 2006-07.
21.Reporting officer 'X' was suspicious about the 'Integrity' of the reportee employee while writing APAR for the period from 1.4.05 to 31.3.06 on 15.4.06. Inquiry was initiated and on receipt of Inquiry Report the employee was found guilty and punishment was issued on 15.10.06. How integrity column for the APAR of 2005-06 will be completed?
A. Integrity column for the APAR of 2005-06 will be left blank, a secret note will be attached.
22.Sr. Auditor 'X' was awarded punishment on 10.4.08 for the misconduct committed on 15.12.06. In which APAR the act will be reflected?
A. It will be reflected in the APAR of 2008-09.
23.What is the time limit for taking a decision by the competent authority on the representation made by the reportee against adverse remarks in APAR?
A. one month.
24.Shri 'X' an AAO was denied promotion to the post of AO on the grounds that there were adverse entries in his APAR which were not communicated to him. Please comment.
A. Action taken by the competent authority is not in order. Adverse entry in APAR cannot be acted upon to deny promotional opportunities unless it is communicated to the person concerned, so that he can exercise his right to make representation against the same.
25.Whether APAR can be written or reviewed by the officer placed under suspension?
A. If the Reporting/Reviewing officer is under suspension when the APAR has become due, it may be written/reviewed by the officer placed suspension within two months from the date of suspension or within one month from the date on which the report is due, whichever is later.
26.Whether Reporting Officer can write the remark as 'Not Applicable' against Integrity column?
A. No. He has to certify or leave it blank.
27.Reviewing officer has recorded the remark as 'Over pitched Report'. Whether it can be treated as adverse remarks?
A. No, unless reviewing officer makes specific mention that it should be treated as adverse remarks.
28.Reporting Officer graded the senior auditor 'X' as outstanding. The reviewing officer also endorse it. But the accepting officer while recording his agreement with the assessment of reporting and reviewing officer graded the sr. auditor 'x' as very good. Comment on the remarks of Accepting Officer?
A. Action of Accepting Officer is not in order as he has already recorded his agreement with the assessment of Reporting/Reviewing Officer. He should not downgrade the report from 'Outstanding' to 'Very Good' without assigning justified reasons.
29.Why APAR is an extremely important and vital document?
A. (a) It provides the basic and critical inputs for assessing the performance of an officer/staff member for further advancement of his career.
(b) The officers/staff members career is either made or marred on the basis of his APAR.
30.Why three tier system of APAR Writing is introduced ?
A. In order to ensure a greater degree of objectivity and fairness in assessing the performance of Govt. servant.